Wednesday 29 February 2012

Evaluation: Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

In order to get some audience feedback we allowed a group of students who also made music videos to watch our video and then on paper they wrote what they thought of our video. From this we analyzed the positive and negative points. Some of the audience said that they did'nt understand the dancer and they would like her to eb more established. We could do this by adding more dancer shots or by getting the artist to dance. Some commented on the fact that there is a small part of the lip sync which is out, we are aware of this and it is a small problem that could be fixed in very little time. They think that the genre is shown well and we have coherent themes. The audience liked the performer, they felt his performance was believable and they also liked the pace of editing. The black and white effect worked well but some of the scenery was a bit out. Although we do not agree with this comment as we used locations that fit in with the genre and some of our locations were used repeatedly so that we were not just using random locations and it had a theme running through. We would like to add more of the female vocalist into the video though which has been suggested in the feedback. Below is the feedback that we received:

When we initially uploaded our video onto facebook we allowed people to comment so that we could get some audience feedback. I have printscreened the feedback we got. From our facebook feedback people said that they liked the black and white effect that was used as they felt it made the video looked better and added to the overall performance. They also liked the creditability of the performer. They agreed that the lip sync was done very well although we are aware that there are some small parts not totally in sync. One girl said that she thinks that the female isn't as strong as the other performers which is something we can improve on although the main performer overall is the male performer. The audience liked the surroundings and the details as they felt it fitted with the song, this is something that we wanted to get right as the mise en scene was a very important aspect to the genre and the song.

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