Thursday 3 November 2011

Digipak Analysis: Ciara

The digipak for Ciaras album goodies denotes a female in a pink top, wearing a silver crusifix. The girl is looking straight at the audience with her lips closed and her chin raised. There is a motion blurred background and pink writing that is pillow embossed.

The pink top that Ciara is wearing could connote femininity as pink is known as a feminine colour, and the crucifix is sliver with diamanté' this could be classed as 'bling' as hip hop artists are known for it. The fact that she is looking straight at the audience could show she is confident and strong. The femininity is anchored by the pink, pillow embossed writing. All this helps to indicate who the main target audience are which would be females.

The digipak is quite redundant and uses a highly redundant image on the front, it is redundant because it is quite simple, the artist is stood looking straight at the camera and the colours are stereotypical for females. the audience will be familiar with this type of album. There is very little entropy, if any. This is rather common in this genre and I will consider this when I come to make my own digipak.

The back cover of the album is layout with a picture of the artists back on the left side, she has her hood up and is facing away, the back of her jeans have her name written on so this reinforces the name. This image also has motion blur around it. To the right there is a track list that is written in a simple pink and white fonts which indicates femininity.  Towards the bottom is detail of the producers, management and other information. There is also a barcode. I plan to include a lot of this detail on the back of the digipak that I make. 

The inside left panel of the album there is a booklet, the booklet is filled with lyrics, the back page of the booklet is covered with a lot more detail. including release dates and web links. There is also a personal message saying thank you which i think is a nice personal touch. I may consider this in my digipak. All this writing is in a small, simple black font. There is also another picture of the artist, this one is a lot more sexualised which may expand the target audience.

The inside right panel holds the CD, the CD has a design on it, there is a pink silhouette of the artists body on a black background. Her name in white but the same font as the cover and on the left of the CD there is more detail. There is detail on almost all of the panels. This could be for copyright reasons. When you take the disk out of the cover behind it there is a close up photo of the artist. This is quite unique for CD's. 

People tend to buy albums so that they can have a physical copy and something that they think is of worth to them. Downloading is quick and simple but is not the same as having a physical copy. Big fans of the artist or genre are most likely the ones to buy the album rather than just download a copy.

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