Wednesday 2 November 2011

Redundancy and Entropy

Redundancy is the predictability of a message, if something is high redundancy it is more predictable and is classed as the norm whereas something which conveys a low redundancy is harder to understand and is more unusual to the audience.

High redundancy

Entropy is unpredictability, so it is something that the audience wouldn't really expect to see, it can be engaging  and more interesting. Entropy is interpreted differently by people as it depends on what they are used to seeing.

The picture above is highly entropic because it is something unpredictable,
 a high majority of the audience would consider this as unusual.

My digipak will mostly be redundant as our genre is rap/hip hop so in order to draw in my target market it will have to be easily understandable and predictable in order to make it competitive with other albums of the same genre. Although I would like to include some entropy to make my digipak slightly different and interesting.

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