Sunday 30 October 2011

Andrew Goodwins Theory

Andrew Goodwins theory identifies 5 key aspects of music videos which are:
-Narrative and Performance
-The star image
-Relation of visuals to a song
-Technical aspects of music video

Syaesthesia is taking something in with one sense, interpreting it then transferring it to another sense. (e.g. hearing and visualising)

Goodwin explains that music videos should ignore common narrative as it is important to their role of advertising, it has to work hand in hand to make it easier for the audience to watch without losing interest. It must engage the audience yet be ambiguous.

The star aspect is anopther vital aspect, there must be close ups of their stars, the video can portray people in different ways.

Technical aspects are also very important in music videos, lighting and colour can help to set mood, and create dramatic effect. Beats and cuts can set the pace to the song and mise-en-scene can help to create star image.

There are 3 different types of music video according to james goodwin, illustrative ones which means the visuals will match the lyrics. Amplifying ones which helps to add an extra layer of meaning to the song and disjunctive ones which ignores the whole meaning of the song.

50 cent- candy shop - The visuals make the video mostly amplifying.

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