Sunday 30 October 2011


Sir Ken Robinson
Ken Robinson is an author who spoke about creativity in schools.

He said 'if you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never be able to come up with anything original.
Personally I agree with what ken robinson says about creativity and its importance, it is very important for people in order to develop ideas and expand their thinking. Also he says that if your not prepared to be wrong then you cannot be original, our music video has to be original therefore we will have to be creative. Intelligence can be shown and interpreted in many different ways, creativity can stimulate this. If kids are given the chance to be creative and imaginitive they can achieve so much more. From watching this video i have learnt that I have to experiment in different ways and be as creative as possible, people may not understand but it will be my own personal interpretation of ideas.
This is the video that we watched:

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