Tuesday 11 October 2011

Music Video Research: Beyonce and Jay Z: Crazy In Love

Beyonce and Jay Z got together to create a collaboration, the song is called Crazy In Love and fits in the genre of rap and pop.

The video starts off with an establishing shot, this shows the audience where it is all set. Its going down a street, this is typical for a rap/pop song. It gives it a 'street' feel, the video feels very urban.
The shot changes quite quickly to a close up of the rapper and his cap, this is a introduction to the artists, the artist starts his rap, it is fast paced and the shots switch back and fourth from close ups to establishing shots.

The camera then zooms into the female artist, in all the establishing shots the camera is moving forward, it is like a journey. Beyonce conveys attitude in this video by the way she walks and the way she acts. This is a big difference to the usual Beyonce, Beyonce' music and her videos are usually quite soft and tame. This video is of a totally different genre so she has to act in a certain way to get the mood of the song across to the audience. This can be related to Richard Dryers star theory, because of Beyonces' image. The perception of the video depends on the perception of the star. As Beyonce has a very large fan base it is more likely that people will like her music videos compared to a star that is not as liked.

When Beyonce is walking down the street she flicks her hair, when she does this the camera goes into slow motion, this gives it a sexy feel. Throughout this video Beyonce is being sexualised. The choreography for her dance and the way the camera pans up her body. This means the song will appeal to males as well as females.  There is also a shot of her bottom which is also very sexuality. The highly sexualised video can be related to the voyeurism theory as the female is being displayed as something to admire and desire.

When Beyonce is dancing on her own the camera is constantly moving to give different shots of her body, this gives the dance a fast pace and makes it seem rather erratic. This makes the audience concentrate more on the movements and the way the camera shows her body.

The shot when she is in the street with some of her friends gives a different view of the singer, in this shot she seems like a strong female. The genre is hip hop too so the clothing connotes that with the cap and the clothes that she is wearing. The dance that she does in this shot could also be classed as 'ghetto' which is another stereotypical thing to have in a rap song.

The next rap in the song is done in a different environment. It is a long shot meaning we can see the two artists and their surroundings, when he walks in he blows up the car, this does not necessarily link to the song but violence is used in some rap music videos. The long shot of Beyonce and Jay Z elevates Beyonce' seuxalised dance moves, she dances round the rapper and her outfit is also quite sexy.

Beyonce kicks the water hydrant and all the water starts spraying out. She dances under the water and the camera pans up her body. Throughout the song Beyonce is being sexualised, this attracts a bigger audience and fits in with a stereotypical hip hop song.

The last part of the song is the choreographed dance featuring beyonce and her backing dancers, this is slightly different as Beyonce is not so sexualised, although the dancing is still made sexy by the way the camera zooms in and out on her.

The video ends on a close up of Beyonce' face. in the first 30 seconds of the song there is over 30 shots, this means the video is fast paced. According to James Goodwins theory i would say that this music video is disjunctive because the video is not really related to what they are singing about.

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