Friday 23 September 2011

Post Production:Digital Technology

I found that the editing of the music video went well. Using the knowledge and the skills that I developed last year I knew what programme I had to use, which was Adobe Premiere Pro and I knew how to import the clips and audio.

While editing I learnt how to speed up and slow down clips which was something i did not know before, this helped with timings in the video and helped me fit in all the shots that I needed. I also learnt how to export my video properly so that I was able to upload the video on you tube. While editing i also learnt how to remove sound from a clip which will be useful when making my own music video.

Cutting clips and matching them with the lip sync was useful in getting the music video right, i found this difficult and frustrating at times but it works well.

I would still like to develop my skills in lip syncing to get a perfect match and to focus on smoother changes in the music video to make it better.


In this production task I learnt how much actually goes into making a music video, I was surprised by how many shots there were in such a small space of time. So now I know when making my own music video I will have lots of  shots to work with. There are also a lot of different angles used so it is all very detailed.

I also learnt that being in front of a camera can be quite nerve-racking  so I know that when I am filming my music video I should be understanding to my actor or actress.

The shoot went well although I felt we could have planned better to make filming quicker and easier because we had a few moments when we were unsure of what to do next. Also I think we could have had a better schedule to use our time more efficiently.The only thing that went wrong in filming is that we missed out some of the shots in the first shoot, this meant having to re-shoot some of the video.

Production:Digital Technology

My knowledge of technology developed whilst making this music video, I learnt more about using the camera and shooting from different angles. Having a camera with an SD card instead of a tape i found was much easier to upload onto the computers, this made everything quicker We had to use you tube to make the storyboard. Apart from that I knew how to use most other technology from my previous experiences in media.

Planning was very important to the production, good planning makes production a lot easier. 

This year I would like to develop my filming skills, as I feel like I haven't had that much experience in this area and I would like to experience everything in media so I can develop my skills and knowledge of the subject.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Research and Planning

I believe the most useful part of the planning task was the storyboard, we used this throughout our filming to know the order of the shots. It also showed us how the camera should be positioned and angled which helped with our own filming.

I wish we had done more planning in the shooting script because i felt like it lacked detail so we were unsure of some things. Apart from that i believe we had sufficient planning and i did not feel that we were lacking anything else.

During this task we did quite a bit of planning, we did a stroyboard of the music video, a shooting script a props list, casting, a risk assesment and a schedule. This all helped in the filming and production of our music video.

Our Storyboard:


In the first few weeks of our media A2 course we have been looking into music videos'. As we plan to create our own music video later in the year we have to learn how it is done and experience it for ourselves so that we know what it is like.

In pairs at the start of the year we did a small lip sync task, this was my first lip sync experience but it taught me a lot for this task. Myself and Amy did Rihanna's song, Umbrella. I found lip sync quite easy when I learnt how to do it, although I found the task to be quite hard as I am not keen on being in front of the camera. 

We then looked into a bigger music video and something a lot more challenging, this was Busted - what i go to school for. We looked at the video and it shocked me seeing how many shots were in such a small amount of time, it was our task to recreate the video shot for shot. It was not creatively challenging but it helped develop our skills that we will need to use later on in the year.

Busted Music Video-What i go to school for

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Practice Lip Sync

This is the video for our practise of the lip sync.We chose the song umbrella by rihanna. At the start I was nervous about being in front of the camera but as we got started i became more comfortable. We managed to lip sync it up quite easily, I think it was a bit easier because we didn't mime the words.
When watching this video over, I found that we both matched up quite a lot but the rap was a little harder. Amy thought part of her rap didn't match up but I watched it a few times and could not notice this fault.
When we do the real and final video we will have to make sure the lip sync is perfectly in time and will zoom in slightly more , we will also have a better ending. Next time I will add more movement to increase entertainment.
Overall I think it went well, even though i was nervous at first it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and I learnt about the technique of lip syncing.