Friday 23 September 2011

Post Production:Digital Technology

I found that the editing of the music video went well. Using the knowledge and the skills that I developed last year I knew what programme I had to use, which was Adobe Premiere Pro and I knew how to import the clips and audio.

While editing I learnt how to speed up and slow down clips which was something i did not know before, this helped with timings in the video and helped me fit in all the shots that I needed. I also learnt how to export my video properly so that I was able to upload the video on you tube. While editing i also learnt how to remove sound from a clip which will be useful when making my own music video.

Cutting clips and matching them with the lip sync was useful in getting the music video right, i found this difficult and frustrating at times but it works well.

I would still like to develop my skills in lip syncing to get a perfect match and to focus on smoother changes in the music video to make it better.

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