Wednesday 14 September 2011

Practice Lip Sync

This is the video for our practise of the lip sync.We chose the song umbrella by rihanna. At the start I was nervous about being in front of the camera but as we got started i became more comfortable. We managed to lip sync it up quite easily, I think it was a bit easier because we didn't mime the words.
When watching this video over, I found that we both matched up quite a lot but the rap was a little harder. Amy thought part of her rap didn't match up but I watched it a few times and could not notice this fault.
When we do the real and final video we will have to make sure the lip sync is perfectly in time and will zoom in slightly more , we will also have a better ending. Next time I will add more movement to increase entertainment.
Overall I think it went well, even though i was nervous at first it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and I learnt about the technique of lip syncing.

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