Thursday 22 September 2011


In the first few weeks of our media A2 course we have been looking into music videos'. As we plan to create our own music video later in the year we have to learn how it is done and experience it for ourselves so that we know what it is like.

In pairs at the start of the year we did a small lip sync task, this was my first lip sync experience but it taught me a lot for this task. Myself and Amy did Rihanna's song, Umbrella. I found lip sync quite easy when I learnt how to do it, although I found the task to be quite hard as I am not keen on being in front of the camera. 

We then looked into a bigger music video and something a lot more challenging, this was Busted - what i go to school for. We looked at the video and it shocked me seeing how many shots were in such a small amount of time, it was our task to recreate the video shot for shot. It was not creatively challenging but it helped develop our skills that we will need to use later on in the year.

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